Tehran: A hardline protester burns an anti-UK placard in front of British Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020. Dozens gathered outside the embassy on Sunday, chanting "Death to England" and called for the ambassador to be expelled and for the closure of the embassy. A candlelight ceremony late Saturday in Tehran turned into a protest, with hundreds of people chanting against the country's leaders — including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — and police dispersing them with tear gas. Police briefly detained the British ambassador to Iran, Rob Macaire, who said he went to the Saturday vigil without knowing it would turn into a protest. AP/PTI(AP1_12_2020_000231B)

नवी दिल्ली (वृत्तसंस्था) : इराणमधल्या ज्येष्ठ नेत्यांनी राजीनामे द्यावेत, या मागणीसाठी हजारो विद्यार्थ्यांनी तेहरानमध्ये निषेध मोर्चे काढले.

युक्रेनच्या विमानावर इराणी सैन्यानं चुकून मिसाईल हल्ला केला, अशी कबुली इराणच्या हवाई दलानं दिल्यानंतर ही निदर्शनं करण्यात आली.

बगदादमधे इराणचे कमांडर जनरल कासिम सुलेमानी यांची हत्या अमेरिकेनं केली. त्याचा बदला घेण्यासाठी इराकमधल्या अमेरिकी हवाई तळांवर इराणनं हल्ला चढवला.